Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lesson 2 Reflection

1.What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

I am most proud that people actually seemed to be interested in my topic. I say that because I was very worried people would find my presentation boring and not really seem to care about my topic. I know that the class seemed to care at least a little bit because someone asked me what kind of free website they could go to and I said one they could go to and I saw a number of people write it down really excited.

2. a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

I deserve an AP.
     b.     I deserve that grade because I did not make it to the 20 minute mark and failed to cite at least one source.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

The thing that worked for me, was being able to have time to tell a story that I love to share, and being able to have people get to know who they are, and help them start trying to discover themselves.

4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

I didn't make time and forgot to go over the purpose of one of my props. There is not that much that really didn't 

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

I think my answer number two is to look at the problem at another angle. Such as, for tracking an african american family, not just giving up, but trying to track the family that owns the slave.

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